Saturday, May 06, 2006

This is our house I took a picture of.I love the clouds in it,anyways I hope you like it!



chibisukie said...

You have a nice House! How meny acres do you have?

sHANNON said...

I love your house Des! sweet post!

sHANNON said...

Sarah NOW you need a picture of Bosco up here!.....Ummm wait....I'd do that AFTER you shave him ;-D.

Dameo said...

That's my sis for ya! Taking great pictures of something we see everyday and turning it even better! Brings a tear to me eye

-Lance said...

Is that my house?

Dameo said...

wow...if I'm still in the house in 50 years somebody shoot me! ;-) (Des, it's not a "really great" picture...just a great one at that :p )

sHANNON said...

Alright! Sarah, you REALLY need to shave Bosco now! Its just crule that you havn't done it yet! J/k anyways when are the bunnies coming to my house? Cya at Sodality Saturday!

sHANNON said...

...........Saaaaarraaaahhh?? Your leaving in about a week! I would like to at least see ONE picture of hum BEFORE you leve...:-D please???