Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter!!!!/Questions after Lent

Happy Easter everybody!!!!!! I know it's a day early, but I'm not going to be here tomorrow. The questions after lent is...... How was lent and how are you spending your Easter?!?!?! I hope you all have a great day on Easter!!



sHANNON said...

Darn it you beat me sarah!! Oh well....I'm going to both grandparents for the day.

Happy Easter!!!

Kat said...

Happy Easter Sarah!! We had our relatives over and I had a blast!! It was awesome! Especially after Lent. :-D

sHANNON said...

Oh yeah one of the best parts was blasting Rock n' Roll at 2:30 in the mourning, but that was just one of my awesome moments from easter ;-)

sHANNON said...

Sarah I'm going to be waiting til you put up thoughs pictures of your knew Bunny! So hurry up and get cracking. I can't wait til thursday to see Momiji again...Haha just get him up there soon ;-D
He's sooo cute!