Thursday, October 20, 2005

Somewere over the rainbow, skies are blue.
These pics were taken by my house.


Kat said...

Those pics are so cool Sarah! Were you able to find the end of the rainbow?

chibisukie said...

Thanks! Yes I did find the end of the rainbow.


Jeeps said...

Hmmmmmmm........ I was looking through the favs and found your blog. Catherine porbably put it there. You should really try and look at all the other blogs that we have. You might get more visitors if you tell everyone else.

sHANNON said...

Thats it Jeeps thats it not even a WOW Sarah this Blog is Great or Sweet post Sarah??!!?!?!

Shan's ;)

Dameo said...

Sarah, I love those pics, especially the first. You seem to have a great view from your house. And by the way, nice blog :D!

chibisukie said...

Thanks Dameo! Yeah, I have a good veiw.