Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Alright, since everyone is getting so impatient I decided to post when I really have nothing to post about. I know this question has been asked before but I didn't really pay attention to what everyone answered. So, what is your favorite book? Here's mine: Pride and Prejudice, Scarlet Pimpernel, Witch of Blackbird Pond, Anne of Green Gables series, and a whole lot more. (That's only about 1/100 of them) ;-D



chibisukie said...

My favorite book is Hidei! I like the post Kat! Thanks for posting!
My word vericication is ovscjpu

-Lance said...

Whats the point of having a favorite book when you have 100's of favorites Kat, just say all books are youre favorite. ;)

Dameo said...

You know I asked this question... and none of you answered, but now its answered on this blog?! :(
Anyways my favs are probably the recent ones I've read (as usual) White Fang for sure, Angels in Iron, and To Kill a Mockingbird.
I have so many others though, probably because I'm easily entertained.

Kat said...

That's because I asked it Dame!
:-D Sorry, I didn't mean to copy you.

Dameo said...

Oh you asked it? It was asked??? Why didnt you say so! Its all good! Oh and if you can, do not read the Old Man and the Sea two times over again, or the Swiss Family Robinson if you believe in reality! ;)

sHANNON said...

Well I would have to say...To Kill a Mockingbird,theres more but I can't think of any right now ;-D


P.S. Could'nt you all just go to each persons profile and find out???

sHANNON said...

Well I would have to say...To Kill a Mockingbird,theres more but I can't think of any right now ;-D


P.S. Could'nt you all just go to each persons profile and find out???

Kat said...

Yes we could but it's just better this way Shan. ;-)